Editing Datasets

Datasets and their attributes can only be referenced "as-is" in action configs, for example {outputs.extract.dataset}. However, there are cases where a dataset output by one action needs to be edited before it can be used by a downstream action. Some examples include:

  • Specifying primary and foreign keys on data sourced from object stores (where such metadata does not exist as it does in a relational database)

  • Removing a foreign key to break a cyclic table relationship

  • Renaming tables

The dataset_editor action provides a way to apply alterations like these and more to datasets. It accepts a dataset from some other action as input, and outputs a modified version of that dataset for downstream actions to consume.

Adding and removing table relationships

A table relationship is used to relate two tables. The most common example is a foreign key constraint in a relational database.

A table_relationship contains the following properties:



The name of the table containing data (typically an id column) pointing to records on another table, e.g. "the table with the foreign key"


string list

The columns populated with identifiers from the other table, e.g. "the foreign key column(s)"



The name of the table containing data records being referenced by table


string list

The columns to which constrained_columns point

For example, a relational database storing users and their sessions might have a foreign key user_id on the sessions table pointing to the users.id column. That key can be represented as a table_relationship:

table: sessions
constrained_columns: [user_id]
referred_table: users
referred_columns: [id]

To add or remove relationships via the dataset_editor action, use the add_table_relationships and remove_table_relationships attributes, both of which accept a table_relationship list.

type: dataset_editor
name: add-relationships
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
    - table: "sessions"
      constrained_columns: ["user_id"]
      referred_table: "users"
      referred_columns: ["id"]

Renaming tables

There are two ways to rename tables. First, tables can be renamed individually:

type: dataset_editor
name: rename-tables
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
    - from: "original_name"
      to: "new_name"
    - from: "source_name"
      to: "preferred_name"

Alternatively, common prefixes and suffixes can be added or removed in bulk. This is particularly useful for renaming tables sourced from object storage.

type: dataset_editor
name: rename-tables
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
        remove_prefix: "source_"
        remove_suffix: "_csv"
type: dataset_editor
name: rename-tables
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
        add_prefix: "gretel_"

Note that both these renaming mechanisms only apply to tables in the dataset; the corresponding file representations in the dataset are unaffected.

Removing tables

Tables in a dataset can be removed entirely:

type: dataset_editor
name: drop-tables
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
    - table: "extraneous_data"

Actions downstream of drop-tables will have no awareness of the extraneous_data table.

Dropping a table from a dataset also drops the corresponding file representation.

Setting primary keys

Primary keys can be specified on tables.

type: dataset_editor
name: define-pks
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
    - table: "users"
      primary_key: ["id"]

Combining datasets

The dataset editor can combine multiple datasets into one, allowing a single downstream action to operate on data extracted from disparate sources.

type: dataset_editor
name: combine
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
    - dataset: "{outputs.mysql-extract.dataset}"

Table names must be unique across all datasets. The rename_all_tables option (see "Renaming tables" above) can be used to resolve name conflicts.

Note that actions only accept a single input action (input: s3-read in the example above). To use outputs from multiple actions in a single config, the other actions must be transitive dependencies via the defined input action. In this particular example, the s3-read action would need to include input: mysql-extract; the S3 action does not use any outputs from MySQL, but defining it as a dependency ensures outputs from both actions are accessible to the dataset editor action.

Putting it all together

All dataset modifications above can be performed in a single action. The order of operations is:

  1. datasets.rename_all_tables (and merge if there are multiple datasets)

  2. drop_tables

  3. rename_tables

  4. set_primary_keys

  5. remove_table_relationships

  6. add_table_relationships

The example below lists these in order for convenience; the actual order of these keys in your yaml config does not matter.

type: dataset_editor
name: alter-dataset
input: s3-read
    - dataset: "{outputs.s3-read.dataset}"
        remove_suffix: "_csv"
    - table: "extraneous_data"
    - from: "original_name"
      to: "new_name"
    - table: "users"
      primary_key: ["id"]
    - table: "sessions"
      constrained_columns: ["user_id"]
      referred_table: "users"
      referred_columns: ["id"]

Last updated

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