November 2024

2024.11.25 through 2024.11.29

  • Improvement: Add a button to upload one's own model config within workflow builder

  • Bugfix: Fix workflow builder submit validation not being able to revalidate, causing the user to not be able to resubmit

2024.11.18 through 2024.11.22

  • Feature: Persist main sidebar state across sessions and sync across app instances

2024.11.11 through 2024.11.15

  • Improvement: Add a "Choose a different file" button to Workflow Builder uploads

  • Bugfix: formatting of uploaded files in some cases when creating a workflow

  • Bugfix: Fix an issue with building the workflow properly when you select your model type before defining an input

  • Improvement: Moved the Save button to the bottom of the Creation Tiles in the Workflow Builder page

  • Feature: Whether the main sidebar navigation is collapsed or not will persist across sessions and sync across app instances

  • Improvement: Update the Gretel wordmark

2024.11.4 through 2024.11.8

  • Improvement: Remove deprecated route that was redirecting to the "From Scratch" blueprint flow

  • Fix: Address an issue with properly building a workflow after selecting a model type before defining an input

  • Fix: Improve file name detection when uploading files using the Workflow Builder

Last updated