Managing Workflows

Workflows can be managed from the Console, CLI or SDK.

To manage workflows from the Console, select the Workflows tab from the left side navigation bar. This will bring you to a list of Workflows where you can view more details for each Workflow.

Using the CLI you can view commands for working with workflows by running

gretel workflows --help

Creating Workflows

Workflows can be created either from the Gretel Console or CLI.

First, create a file on your computer containing a YAML workflow config. Then run the following command

gretel workflows create --config [path_to_yaml_config.yaml]

Manually Running a Workflow

gretel workflows trigger --workflow-id [workflow_id]

Editing Workflows

gretel workflows update --workflow-id [workflow_id] --config [path_to_yaml_config.yaml]


Workflows are organized under projects and share the same permissions as the project they are owned by.

Project Permission Mappings

Project PermissionWorkflow Permissions


  • Users can view workflows, runs, and logs.


  • Users can create new workflows.

  • User can edit existing workflows.

  • Users can manually trigger existing workflows.

  • Users can delete existing workflows.


  • Users can share workflows with other users.


  • Full control.

In order to run a workflow, you must also have project write access to the connections and models configured for that workflow.

Sharing Workflows

You can share a Workflow by sharing the project it is owned by. If a workflow references models or connections in a different project, be sure you have the appropriate level of access to that project.

Last updated