Gretel Hybrid

Gretel Hybrid provides customers with the flexibility to deploy their own data plane within their preferred cloud tenant. When you choose this option, Gretel Cloud's only role is job and workflow orchestration, ensuring all your data and models remain in your own tenant.

Please note that once Hybrid is setup, job management tasks such as training and running Gretel models will be available exclusively through the SDK/CLI interfaces. You will still be able to view your projects and model activity using the Gretel console.

For more information about how Gretel Hybrid works, check out the Architecture page!

For details on Gretel Hybrid deployment, including step by step instructions for all three supported cloud providers, please see the Gretel Hybrid deployment section.

For help configuring and using the Gretel CLI and SDK for hybrid mode, see the CLI and SDK environment setup guide which covers setting up the CLI and SDK for hybrid usage.

Last updated