Billing and Usage


Gretel bills based off of usage, with a credits mechanism that translates job runtime or tokens generated to a number of credits used. You can read more information about how credits work on our pricing page.

The tiers for billing are Free, Developer, Team and Enterprise.

If you'd like to review what billing is set up for your user from within the Console, you can navigate to the billing page.


If you'd like to view your usage, you can do so on the usage page within the Console. This will show all billable events, searchable up to a one year window. You can also download a CSV of the usage.

If you're part of an organization, and an owner within that organization, you can view your organization usage page and filter it the same you would the individual page, as well as download a CSV. As an owner you can see all your team members' usage.

NOTE: The organizational page can be viewed by anyone, but only shows other users' usage for team owners.

Last updated